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About Me

Hi! My name is Téa Lynor and I'm a freelance writer and filmmaker based in Savannah, Georgia.


From the moment I received my first school composition book, I spent hours writing worlds to fall into. What began as a form of escapism, quickly evolved into: 2 novels in development, 20 screenplays, 6 short films, 12 academic research papers, and various collections of poetry and short stories.


My degree in Film and Television has given me a special advantage in my literary and cinematic aspirations. Trained in both screenwriting and traditional narrative fiction, my strength is best demonstrated in worldbuilding, dialogue, character development, and online marketing. 


By following a joy-driven work ethic, I approach every project as an opportunity to bring fun and innovation to the craft. I strive to go beyond the mainstream and deliver the most universal, compelling, and entertaining works possible. 



Women Writers

BIPOC Writers

Queer Writers



Téa Lynor

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